Renovating? Schedule a Duct Cleaning!

Duct Cleaning after RenosIf you’re in the process of renovating your home, or you’re getting ready to start a renovation in the future, it’s a good idea to schedule a duct cleaning for when the project has been completed. With all the cutting, sawing and drilling that goes on during a home renovation, there’s ample opportunity for your ducts to become contaminated with dust and debris. If it’s been a while since you last had your ducts cleaned, this is the perfect opportunity to call a team of professionals in to get the job done.
These are some of the materials that can be left behind in the ducts after a renovation – materials that you don’t want floating about in the air you breathe!:

• drywall dust
• saw dust
• pieces of fiberglass
• chemicals

New Ducts Installed? Get them Cleaned!
It’s also a good idea to have any new duct work cleaned, once it’s installed, because a great deal of dirt and other residual contaminants can remain, all of which will affect your indoor air quality. We’ve discovered all sorts of things left behind in new duct work, from paper coffee cups and lunch bags to tools. It’s important that these items are removed because obstructions block air flow, and blocked air flow puts a much greater demand on your heating or air conditioning system.

When it comes to duct cleaning, Saskatoon home owners have much to gain in the way of improved air quality and even lower energy bills, but it’s also a great way to ensure your heating and cooling systems aren’t working overtime, which could put them at risk of breaking down.

If you’re getting ready to renovate, don’t forget this important step in the clean-up process. Give us a call today for a free estimate!

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